Monday 23 May 2011

War and Peace

If we do not end war - war will end us.  Everybody says that, millions of people believe it, and nobody does anything.  ~H.G. Wells

Pakistan is in a state of war and everybody in Pakistan firmly believes it but nobody is doing anything related to it. Pakistan's own administration is lacking interest in stabilizing the country and its economy. While American Government is preying on its own vested interest in this region and having a great hand to destabilize Pakistan. 

With the imposition of IMF conditions to raise up the tariffs of electricity and petroleum products, the common people are like cart donkeys upon which any sort of burden can be loaded. Pakistani administration is taking dictation from west and doing so accordingly ignoring the interest of Pakistani people.

Lieutenant Yasir Abbas Shaheed Killed in PNS Mehran Attack

The tragedy of May 22nd, 2011 has taken the country in the state of war where its Pakistan Naval Services Mehran (PNS Mehran) base was attacked by special services commandos trained in some other country and bred for the very reason to destroy Pakistan from within. Pakistani force lost its 10 good soldiers against 6 trained and professional killers. 

The State officially announced that those were terrorists and a well know Taliban association, Tehreek-e-Taliban TTP; accepted the responsibility (in most cases its just a concept that they are behind the attacks just to provide cover to original culprits). TTP is just being blamed and through a conspiracy they are claiming the responsibility but even a fool know that they might have AK47s and much more but they do not possess extreme combat, assault and re-con tactics. 

So the 22nd May situation leaves me thinking like many others, that some other influences were behind the attacks as they specifically targeted two of the three planes which were anti sub-marine and Mari-time tactical fighter plane. This situation has left Pakistan Navy much vulnerable in Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea. So why someone like India or America would want this?

It is now understood that as the situation in Pakistan is heating up and Anti-American sentiments are boiling up the veins of Pakistani Nation, NATO will soon be cut out from the main supply route, which it is using currently. This will be a great set back for the America which is very unlikely acceptable to the American Govt. So America needs Gawadar Port which can lead them through Balochistan into Afghanistan without much difficulty.

Lieutenant Yasir Abbas Shaheed Killed in PNS Mehran Attack
To gain access to Gawadar, it should be proved to Pakistan that its Gawadar's only defense force which is Pakistan Navy; is incapable of defending it and Americans must help Pakistan, they can easily land up their forces in to the country and well another lost front for Pakistan. 

It is just one small part of the great game but the people who are suffering collateral damages, does anyone think about them. After all it is blood which is spilled on either side of the border. After all it is human blood we spill, whether the skin is black or white the blood is red and hot but it seems that its turning white and cold now.

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